Embark on a visual journey with "Up the Anteez," a captivating original acrylic painting by the talented artist Doug Goebel. This artwork vividly captures the essence of a lizard in pursuit, eagerly on the hunt for a delicious feast of ants.
Stretched on a durable pine frame, this artwork is not only visually stunning but also structurally sound. The canvas provides a textured backdrop that adds a tactile dimension to the viewing experience, enhancing the overall visual impact
- Artist: Doug Goebel
- Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Frame:
- Stretched Canvas Pine Frame
- Size: 40 cm x 30 cm
"Up the Anteez" invites you to witness nature's drama in an artful expression, combining the thrill of the hunt with the timeless beauty of acrylic on canvas. Elevate your space with this original painting, where the energy of the lizard and the pursuit of ants come to life on a stretched canvas that is both elegant and enduring
Embark on a visual journey with "Up the Anteez," a captivating original acrylic painting by the talented artist Doug Goebel. This artwork vividly captures the essence of a lizard in pursuit, eagerly on the hunt for a delicious feast of ants.
Stretched on a durable pine frame, this artwork is not only visually stunning but also structurally sound. The canvas provides a textured backdrop that adds a tactile dimension to the viewing experience, enhancing the overall visual impact
- Artist: Doug Goebel
- Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Frame:
- Stretched Canvas Pine Frame
- Size: 40 cm x 30 cm
"Up the Anteez" invites you to witness nature's drama in an artful expression, combining the thrill of the hunt with the timeless beauty of acrylic on canvas. Elevate your space with this original painting, where the energy of the lizard and the pursuit of ants come to life on a stretched canvas that is both elegant and enduring